Friday, November 18, 2011

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is the exchange of digital file via the internet. This is something that is innate to the infrastructure of the internet. You cannot have the internet without the sharing of digital data. Data is bits and the internet is simply moving bits of ones and zeros.

PSP File Sharing is the latest evolution in this digital exchange. According to the article "The Bittorent Effect", one third of all internet traffic is exchanged through one PSP application called Bittorrent, and this was back in 2005. This really is crazy if you think about it. There is so much collaboration and exchange of data via the internet through PSP software that any traditional hard forms of media will soon be all but extinct. These programs allow you to pull bits from not only one person, but from hundred or thousands at a time. That way, the file downloads at a much faster rate.

Some examples of PSP software are Bittorrent, Utorrent, and kazaam. They are all widely used and very useful. They are in fact, too useful. This new software threatens whole industries like the movie and music industries. This will soon cause a change in traditional thinking and everything will be online. Then, the government will step in and place new laws and restrictions to the exchange of data on the internet. It may not happen in the next 5 years, but it will happen.


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